What does SOTA/ State-Of-The-Art means?
The term "State-Of-The-Art" (SOTA) refers to the current best-known performance achieved by a model or algorithm on a given task or benchmark.
The word "state" in SOTA refers to the current condition or level of development of a particular area of machine learning. It represents the most advanced and up-to-date techniques and methods that are currently being used to solve a given problem.
The word "art" in SOTA, on the other hand, refers to the highest level of development or achievement in a particular field. In this context, "art" does not necessarily refer to traditional art forms, but rather represents the current best performance that has been achieved in a specific area of machine learning.
Overall, "State-Of-The-Art" (SOTA) refers to the current best-known performance achieved by a model or algorithm in a particular area of machine learning, based on the most advanced and up-to-date techniques and methods available.