WTH is a number of pattern 3.9236e-04?
A number in this pattern 3.9236e-04 is a scientific notation for a decimal number. To simplify it, we can convert it to a standard decimal format.
3.9236e-04 can be rewritten as:
3.9236 × 10^-4
To convert it to a decimal, we can move the decimal point four places to the left since the exponent is negative:
Therefore, 3.9236e-04 is equivalent to 0.00039236 in decimal notation.
"3.9236e-04" can be rephrased as "0.00039236", where the "e-04" indicates that the "e" is short for the exponent and the "-04" represents the exponent value, which is equal to -4. So, the number can be expressed as 3.9236 multiplied by 10 to the power of -4.